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  1. Maze bases (The one were you crouch and have to go through a long portion of snakes and turns) Should be banned and imma give a few reasons why. A. First, Its broken just having people shoot at you through the fences when they can see you and you cant is just op af. B. Second, It requires on most maze bases about 3 C4 explosives, costing about 260 - 400 k witch is just down right expensive just to raid and get a CHANCE to make profit. C. Third, The time it takes for you to get through the turns and long halls is just too damn long and they can just shoot you even before you get to the FIRST keypad. D. Smokes, are ineffective against maze bases because it takes too much damn time to get through. (Yes smokes, thats how desperate i am to raid these types of bases.) E. They make it so you cant even shoot back through the detail-less wall because they have a prop that covers your shooting side making it so they can see you and you cant see them. F. Just the slim possibility of getting in and killing them the AMMOUNT of time to get back and forth and you have a 10 MINUTE time window to get back and forth is just too damn hard. G. Also with the ammount of time NLR only lasts for 5 minutes so they can come back ANOTHER time to camp you when your coming out As you can see maze bases are just down right broken when your trying to raid. The only chance you have is if theres no owners inside and you can kill them on the outside. Also if your rich and afford C4 CONGRATS you are exempt from maze bases and if you think they are fair please Go Fuck Yourself! Please Fix -FreshlyBrewed
  2. BLOWtourches need a nerf. For how short they are and for how long they can make a prop nocolide and transparent its just op. Fixes A. Make it so it takes longer to get rid of a prop B. Make it so props nocolide and become transparent for less time
  3. The king/guards/assassins should never be able to use a gun / ranged weapon. Its broken
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