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Scooby Doo (2)


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Scooby Doo (2)

  1. As of today, the raiding/defending experience of the server has declined beyond what was already fairly bad. It seems that some of the server hardcores have discovered food that can bring your health to above 500, as well as food that can make you about a foot tall. Those two things mixed with speed increasing consumables has rendered defense and raiding the people that have these items near impossible. They rush in, almost impossible to see, and spam an SBC cannon destroying everything. We have tried countering this with Holy Hand Grenades, but they leave you incredibly exposed and hardly ever take effect. They can just run out of the AoE with their double speed. I suggest that the whole food system be removed/nerfed. Or at the very least, restricted during raids. It was hardly enjoyable to base before, but now it's impossible. Chances of winning are extremely low with the broken consumables that people have acquired. I've already noticed that hardly anyone bases at all, but this will further reduce the amount of people that will participate in basing on a regular basis if this is allowed to persist. Please consider nerfing this, at the very least. Thanks. TL;DR Food effects provide buffs to health and size that are way too overpowered. Request: Nerf/remove food or restrict usage during raids Edit: I do want to point this out because this was already spammed with negative reactions. Majority of the people that have given this negative rep, thus far, are the people that utilize this stuff the most. Just keep that in mind.
  2. Hi everyone, I am Boncha, a very active player on Tits RP. I've been playing on the server for over a year, mind you I did take a prolonged break from Dark RP and Garry's Mod in general. You may have seen me get a bit heated with some of the more toxic players on the server, it happens when they raid you for the simple "pleasure" of raiding. Feel free to say hi whenever, I am always nice to people and willing to help to the best of my abilities. See you on the server!
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