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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by ArcticWaffle

  1. Bug


    Description: PPSH is chambered in pulse ammo, when it should be chambered in pistol ammo (It fires a 7.62x25mm Tokarev pistol round) 


    How to reproduce: Buy ammo for a PPSH


    Priority: Nonissue, but still a bug

  2. Bug / Quality of Life


    Description: Stun gun effects after death (master sword noticably). You cant use the master sword till after the effects wear off even after you die


    How to reproduce: Get stun gunned, get mowed down with lead shoved down your throat, respawn and try to use the master sword


    Priority: low


    Same thing happened to me, except I didn't use the master sword, and it was with Batmans ziptie.

  3. Bug


    Description: When you get a General Buyer quest (Sell $X to the general buyer) it wont fully count the money you get, meaning it takes a shitload of stuff to actually do it.


    How to reproduce: Get a general buyer quest, and sell stuff, then compare the money you got to the money it tracks.


    Priority: It depends on the quest reward, it could be a nonissue sometimes, and other times you could lose out of something great like an egg or VIP token.

  4. Bug


    Description: When you have a quest to extract blood from X amount of unique people, it just doesn't work.


    How to reproduce: You can't, it's just a thing that doesn't work.


    Priority: High-Low, depending on the quest reward.



    Description: When you have a quest to extract blood from X amount of unique people, it just doesn't work.


    How to reproduce: You can't, it's just a thing that doesn't work.


    Priority: High-Low, depending on the quest reward.


    OK im a dipshit, using force refresh quest data fixes it

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