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[SGN] Frank Mernal


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by [SGN] Frank Mernal

  1. A man pulls out two coins, the coins total up thirty cents. One of the coins is not a nickel, what are the coins? Answer- First Coin, quarter. Second Coin, nickel. Reason? Because I don't know. Didn't make any sense to me either
  2. You take two apples from three apples, how many do you have? Answer- You have two How far can a dog run into the woods? Answer- Half way, because the other have is way out
  3. Yea, it is really annoying if someone spams keys but seeing what people unboxed isn't the worst thing in the world. I think the Russian roulette we have now is fine. The real purpose is to just die. I don't think having the choice to possibly kill someone would be the best option In regards to C4 and doorcharges, doorcharges are not OP considering they blow down only door props. C4 is there for the groups that make crouch bases which kinda make it "impossible to raid". You may be asking "well then just outlaw crouch bases and remove c4". I could but that limits people into what they can build. This server isn't rp, it's basically who can build the best base and survive. So restricting options would not be the best choice. Do I think it's a little OP? Well for 500k for 1 (I think) is pretty reasonable. But people may get them through the processor or something which kinda hinders the new players. It's a nifty tool that will break people's bases a bit. I can look into it and see if it's too powerful and if it's blowing down too many props. Experienced players should not be raiding new players. It's actually a rule for custom classes "3) You cannot raid new players. Pick on people your own size". If you see this happening, let a staff member know and they will deal with them. Of course it's hard to really limit people and really tell who is new and who isn't but custom classes are generally more over powered the the standard classes since they spawn with weapons. Their weapons aren't OP, just they "can" spawn with more weapons than a VIP member or regular user. There is no real way to balance that as far as I am concerned. Also, this is more "who can build the best base" rather than real RP. Is real RP there? I would like to believe there is a small layer of it. People legit pay other players money to raid them to test their base designs. So, basically if you are a CC raid bases with more then 1 person, or raid if you know they have a CC too?
  4. Wouldn't that start trolling. Randomly shooting people with russian roulette? Also the fact of C4 and Door Charges have been really annoying. Me and some other people (Not going to give out names) have been thinking about the C4 and door charges. They are very OP, the fact they have a pretty big blast radius, as well as it is impossible to get rid of (if you're defending your base) . Personally I think it removes the fairness of a new player and a person who has been playing the server for a while. Some people may not agree with me but, if this is roleplay having C4 randomly isn't really possible (irl of course). This may not be a real problem, but I think it is. If you agree with me great! you don't? whats your opinion on door charges
  5. Hi, I'm Frank. Some of you might have seen me and talked to me. If you haven't Hi! I have been playing on the server for about 4 days in total. My favorite color is purple. Some people say I build pretty good bases, that is my specialty. I usually just go around the town talking to people. I like basing with different people, because I get different experiences from other people. If you want say HI to me in the server. You may just find your self a new friend :P
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