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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Revenge

  1. Increase the limit to let us spawn 2 cars please, Today i logged on and i wanted to make some oil! so i got my car, oil harvester and went to set it up. I then set it up and got some to find out my car was gone! so i looked around the map (couldnt find it) So i adverted where is my car? and this dude replied to me "Oh i have it 50k for it back" and so im not just gonna give him 50k right? so i spend the next HOUR looking around the map. Someone then tells me its in the big growing area backyard, so i go there and i get killed and rage quit. So please increase the limit so people cant be dicks and hold ur car hostage forever. Please
  2. Revenge


    Ok so i called raid inside pd (Didnt know i couldnt, sorry) I then get frozen after killing a few cops and Blac tps to me (to then die lol) Then he warns me and kicks me. Am i supposed to get kicked for that? I thought it was just a warn
  3. Same here Mine got wiped too STEAM_0:1:98884088
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