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No Bae For Valentines Day


No Bae For Valentines Day's Achievements



  1. First off, let me just start with an apology if this is in the wrong section, wasn't exactly sure what to put this one in. Anyways, Here is a story about my first time on, that had a questionable action by staff and I wanted to put it out there and see what people thought. All names have been removed, I don't want anyone to get in trouble for something that isn't actually wrong or whatever. Also for reference, this is not my account. So no one will know me by this name. So, skip 2-3 hours into my first time on the server. I'm a hobo, and I'm following these 2 people around, I think their new, but I can't tell. After following them in their hunt for a gun dealer, we all got shot down by another player. Now, this prompted a war between like 5 players and the RDMer, and when an admin got on, those 2 people I was with got jailed because they were the ones killing in spawn. I tried to tell the admin/mod/whatever he was, and first he pushed me away with his physgun. Then the second time I went up to him, he took me out of spawn, toward the edge of the map, promptly told me, "I don't care, don't try and come back", and he went back to spawn. And those 2 guys got banned, while the actual guilty party was....i don't know. I actually think he was on the server for a while longer. But those 2 got banned and that was the end of that. I later then talked to another staff member and ask him what he would do in the situation. If you log onto the server, and see that there is a lot of shit going on. After you jail people, someone offers to tell you the whole story. Which in this case would have gotten 2 guys a clean slate and not banned. Do you listen?
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