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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BEAN

  1. Description: Boomboxes have been broken for 4 days they don't even show the song playing its like spawning in a useless ass prop. How to reproduce: use a boombox in game Priority: High
  2. BEAN

    Unfair models?

    Because I want the model to stay on the server what? I don't want it completely removed and it being a waste to peoples money id rather have it stay on the server and get its own fix
  3. BEAN

    Unfair models?

    The model is around 1.2 mil I'm pretty sure anyone who bases can afford it and Ive only used beastial potions to bring pickup boxes back to base when a raid is 100% over, and I don't use Max health Talis at all, if me using this model annoys you that much ill message archansans on discord and try to get him to switch it out with another model.
  4. BEAN

    Unfair models?

    OK first of all the Jack skeleton model is on the main cc that I use which is called ERROR I do not own ERROR it's owned by archansans and that's the only model he has on it also its funny how a person who uses beastiel potions and extra health potions before every fight talks about a handicap for bad players to win fights.
  5. BEAN

    Unfair models?

    Ah so this is what you meant when you killed me and said HOLY SHIT WTF I'M POSTING THIS ON THE FORUMS
  6. All the issues you've listed can be fixed by simply making a better base, furthermore if you can't take a little raid you shouldn't play on this server we all had to start somewhere when I first started playing I was new to gmod and darkrp so I got raided a lot but I never gave up I kept saving money bought a bunziix dupe and managed to fend off my raiders
  7. Oh yeah zucc remember when you raided me and I had over 100 procs? Yea fuck u zucc you're the reason I'm poor now
  8. Well this situation is pretty confusing, it kind of looked like equinox brought them so they could listen to you explaining why it was a failbase because it just makes no sense for him to do that shit while you're there I feel like there has to be a better reason, maybe if we could get an explanation from equinox saying his side of the story?
  9. It's already extremely easy to raid literally get c4 and use your grav gun to throw it into the base why make it easier than that?
  10. BEAN

    Maze Bases

    If you kill someone during a raid they have a timer of 10 minutes not 5 and if you can't afford c4 it's not that hard to grind a ton of make shifts or buy them for 3k each. Spawn in a crafting table and check the materials you need for it, its honestly not hard.
  11. As someone who raids all the time I can guarantee you that blowtorches are FAR from broken, you need to be face to face with a prop to use the thing which already makes you an easy target, they're usually bought for 200k each and unless you have a really bad base you should never be afraid of getting raided with a blowtorch, also they're not silent they make a really loud noise and last less time then all other explosives that break/no collides props. If you want to counter blowtorches just make a decent base or heck just make a base with all fences.
  12. I've been thinking about it and I agree with this rule, everytime I raid someone in Apex at least 9 other gang members pull up in waves and try to kill me it's extremely annoying sometimes but pretty fun.
  13. https://gyazo.com/49cd695734caf3fd654964e9c95287c9 hmmmmmmmmmmmmm and he committed LTAP seems fair enough...
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