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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by JungleChicken

  1. Category:





    The shotguns spread is too wide it is literally unusable I will show a video example in the "How to reproduce" section, the spread is so wide that it caused me to shoot someone on accident and cause a sit with dan you can check this with the second video provided in the "How to reproduce " section and it shows the video of me shooting someone on accident and the sit was dealt with, so anyways the shotgun is so bad that even a guy with a pistol can beat you, now I understand that the double shotty combo was a big cause of this nerf but the netf was too big all shotguns not even double shottys alone are unusable as shows in the example below I request that the shotguns spread be fixed to be actually usable and thanks for reading. :D

    How to reproduce:

    The video with the example https://youtu.be/2dG3K0RjE4Y | The second video with the accidental shot https://youtu.be/UDTIUJq_sMk | A screenshot of the sit https://ibb.co/hCg18JN
  2. Category:





    This model cannot be damaged by assault rifle or sniper only by shotguns and explosives as seen on video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g9iYEkjf60&feature=youtu.be

    How to reproduce:

    you can reproduce this by having the owner of the model give it to you
    or someone with the model have you test it



    • Thanks 1
  3. I think they should be able to base as that isn't actively attacking another player, its the raider's fault for raiding a small model as they started the engagement. The problem with removing the lockpick restriction is that now it allows them to ignore the anti-raiding rule and raid again, putting more supervision on staff for small model raid cases. So there are both sides to the coin here!


    i am not talking about them being able to raid i am talking about them being able to lockpick cuffs boomboxes and things that don't involve raiding

  4. Make the box of goods not a error, it's been a error for a long long long long time now and idk why maybe because i don't have the addon but if there is a addon i can download please reply with it because it's been an error for a really long time it doesn't effect the game that much but it's annoying to see a error maybe change it's model to someone holding a box 

  5. kissing basically respawns your character to prove this, switch to a job or cc that has breaching charges get kissed like a gay and the breaching charges will come back if you used them, HUH??

  6. As We All Know There Is A Meth Manufacturing And That Is The Only Kind Of Drugs You Can Make Unless You Go Farmer And Make Cocaine/Opium/Weed Etc Etc, How About We Have A Weed Manufacturer Job That Makes Weed For Once Because Meth Is The Only Job That Can Make Drugs "unless ur a gay farmer" I Would Love A Weed Manufacturer Job!!!!

  7. Fishing and standing still demotes you for being afk when you are clearly there and chilling standing still and fishing this is very annonying for people who fish a lot and such i reccommend adding a way for people fishing to not be kicked for afk

  8. Have you tried this https://imgur.com/a/atGfttF


    this doesn't remove the weapon homedawg you still got a slot being used by it

    plus idk what this wep slot thing is i tried the command it did nothing even if it does exist not what i am looking for

  9. I Think we as cc owners should have the ability to make a slot to "None" so we don't have to switch it to a plushie or something to remove something from your number 4 category i think this might be pretty helpful for people with cc's and lots of slots and it costs 100k to change it as normal :^)

  10. Description: When you elect for mayor using my model the bunny one it shows your model correct? well no, my model appears as a medic player model idk if this happens to others aswell but please fix it


    How to reproduce: play as my model and elect for mayor my model appears as a medic


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low

  11. Description: You can't use the Infinity gauntlet ziggs reskin right-click ability which makes you explode and fly doesn't work when using up all the ammo but when a normal ziggs is used you can right-click even tho all ammo was used 


    How to reproduce: Use an infinity gauntlet via testing it on the cc editor and try using all the ammo then right-click and then test the normal ziggs and see the difference 


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium, I Chose medium because it is quite annonying when i try to run away or jump and i used all the ammo

  12. I think we should be able to see what a weapon's reskin is of what

    for example, the cat gun make it so it says that its a reskin of the as Val somewhere

    so people understand what reskin they are buying because most people don't know

    it's really better that way

    for example, the suppressed something I forgot but tass's tranq m9 reskin

    none knows what it actually is it looks like a suppressed pistol so this will be very useful for new players

    exceptionally old players

    even tho you can test weapons you still don't know what reskin it is

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks For Reading

  13. Description: So When You Pay To Have Your CC Ingame IRL Cash You Simply Can't Change The Name Or Class Color Those 2 Things Don't Save So Every Restart I Have To Change It It Is Getting Pretty Annoying Please Fix Tgis


    How to reproduce: Uhh Idk But I Bought My CC Like A While Back So Idk I Guess Try A Paid CC And See If The Name Saves


    Priority: Low

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