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Sneaky The Communist Cat


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sneaky The Communist Cat

  1. Is there a way to delete recipies that you don't want anymore? I accidently dragged a potato like 10 feet from the dish while learning and made it a dish by accident.
  2. Bug Description: With the new crafting bench changes (which I really like by the way) it seems that chem barrels are no longer able to go into the crafting table. Multiple friends tried to add chemicals in both barrel and shipment forms in multiple different crafting tables but sadly had no luck. How to reproduce: Try adding a "filled barrel" into the crafting table. Priority: Medium
  3. It'sYaBoi Jenkin's Now Rocking That Member Spot
  4. :) Ain't Nothing Like Cracking Open A Cold One With The Boiz
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