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Hit Tree


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Hit Tree

  1. Construct Inc ------------------------------------------------------ Gang Rules [align=center] 1. Don't steal from members or allies 2. Listen to the higher ranked members 3. Don't be around with anybody on the shitlist 4. Don't be annoying ------------------------------------------------------ Officers Nolan PingRay RayPing ------------------------------------------------------ Members Nut Beck Popo JuiceJuice Nub[/align] Pinecone Husky Jenkins [align=center] ------------------------------------------------------ Allies N/A ------------------------------------------------------ Enemies N/A[/align] [align=center]------------------------------------------------------ Requirements to join[/align] -At least 2 brain cells (can work with less -Working mic (or be a cool mute) ------------------------------------------------------ Application Format Name in game: Why should we accept you: Age: What you're good at in game: [align=center]------------------------------------------------------ [/align] [align=center] Currently Open for Application [/align]
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