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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by NinjasInMyBasement

  1. I feel that growing drugs, olives, crops ect really needs something else to assist growing besides the one time use plant accelerator. It costs WAY to much to make for a one time use and also really in the long run isnt that good. If we made a item you can craft and place on plant pots or grow zones that would speed up growing time like 15-20% for 30 minutes this would allow people to stock up on materials before to benifit later. It should be an expensive item, because growing drugs is a great money maker. I think it should be crafted with 10 wood 10 metal 40 chemicals and 15 electronic components. I know it costs a lot, but people who majoritably farm, this would be worth it. Whilst your waiting for your shit to grow you can go out and farm to make this item. This would allow a new risk-reward system for farmers. They could go out and leave their stuff alone in risk of losing it to get the materials for more time of extra growing power, or instead just wait and reap less than they would. This would cause less players to just stay in one location and wait on crops.
  2. I think we should be able to dig up plants with like rightclick on the shovel or something. More often than not, I buy a house with a grow zone as a farmer and just want to plant my shit, but oh look. There is dried of plants. So suddenly I have to take good time out of the admins day to try and remove them. I dont want to water them.
  3. Bug Description: When the mayor was banned the revolt ended, but the police would not recieve their weapons back nor be able to change jobs as if it was still going on. Suicide does not fix it How to reproduce: Ban mayor during revolt wilst having dead police. Priority: Low
  4. I honestly love these things as a possible alternative to printers, especially with their "High Risk, High Reward" aspect. However because of the difficulty of extracting bitcoins out of the bitminers with the little minigame, I dont think the current output is suitable for possibly competing with printers. I think this because I spent 60k on the highest end bitminer possible, and it takes about 5 minutes to aquire ~400 bitcoins. Each bitcoin is ~65 dollars each which is 26,000 dollars per 5 minutes. This sounds great, at first but look at the downsides. They are incredibly loud, and silence bombs are too expensive and hard to get. They also have no upgrades, and produce the same the entire time while printers constantly get better. The minigame also makes it impossible to quickly grab some cash and prepare if a raid is occouring, where as printers you can grab and go. Due to their difficulty in extracting money, loud, constant relatively low rate, and price point I beleive that their output should be buffed from ~400 bitcoins per 5 min to ~450 bitcoins per 5 min on the highest tier bitminer., or to silence them better. I like the minigame and do not wish for it to be removed as it adds a new aspect to the game with the inability to grab a large chuck of money and destroy it before raiders get inside.
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