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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by samsungsonyshaw

  1. i mean yeah its just a damn game. People get soo butt hurt over getting demoted or some one getting promoted that they dont agree with



    Dude you have no fucking idea play on here for a few years I was a manager for another gmod group and trust me this is mild compared to that, I literally had to fucking perma ban staff from the shoutbox cause they would constantly be little cunt nuggets, dont get me started on the oh ttt counter strike is superior bs they had three ttt servers btw, everyday I was tempted to blow my fucking brains out that's how bad it was.


    calm your shit

  2. what the fuck is going on with this place. Reports left and right. people being demoted left and right

    i think sugar should just go and demote everyone and start fresh. place is too top heavy

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