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Nao | Nao �


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Nao | Nao �

  1. the multitool for chat, maybe... but the radio, why not just use the ts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Because some people, myself included. Don't like teamspeak and or don't want to install it, but jolly good idea Mr. Pres I +1 it. i prefer skype but I use ts cause I deal with it, our donations pay for it so why not _______________________________________________________________________ Wouldn't it just save money to have an in game function for talking to people across the map?
  2. the multitool for chat, maybe... but the radio, why not just use the ts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Because some people, myself included. Don't like teamspeak and or don't want to install it, but jolly good idea Mr. Pres I +1 it.
  3. That'd be cool but there would be a lot of work involved, like making knives more rare all together.
  4. I feel like sugar is just gonna fix it with tomorrows patch.
  5. This is a balance idea, I kinda feel like whenever there is a decent amount of PD on the server 90% of the people are SWAT. Which I wouldn't have a problem with if there was actually normal cops running around I think the swat limit should be decreased and the Cop limit should increase, kinda just helps with forcing the RP spectrum, it might be a personal thing but I think it'd give the server a nice touch. Also please just remove the ways to break down doors I feel like the only way to make breaking down doors seem fresh is to make the hammer super expensive and just rip it off the Rebel class. I hate playing as a cop and constantly having to sit in the PD watching one asshat bust down the door every time it respawns just to let a hobo, three dogs, and a pedo past the second door. Sure it's fun to kill them until people start calling RDM and, or complaining about some other right they don't have.
  6. Hey! So I made this because, if you check my profile i've been a member of the fourms for four months. So i'd like to make this post to announce I've come back on the server, some of you might have already seen me but i'd like to make a proper introduction on the fourms where I hope to spend a decent chunk of time giving my unwanted two cents. :P
  7. I pride myself in being sneaky-beaky-like, and I will enjoy my stay thank you! That's crazy I only recently made it to 200k, but once you have some money it's a lot easier to make more. You're probably the richest hobo.
  8. hecklo to whomever reads this! I'm Nao (Nay-o) I've played quite often on the server as of late so I thought I should introduce myself. I pull no bullshit in saying I plan to become an admin/moderator some day after I've played long enough, but for now I will earn my hours and get to know all the regulars on the server. I've been in a number of Garry's Mod related forums and I'm excited to meet a lot of new people in this one! A few facts about me: Master Stalker is my favorite class I procrastinate on the daily My favorite color is purple I adore anime (Tokyo Ghoul is my favorite.) I enjoy Indie music I've spent a little too much time on this post but if you have anymore questions about me or what I'm about; P.M me, ask in game, or drop a comment!
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