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[DC]Bill Freeman[DDG]


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by [DC]Bill Freeman[DDG]

  1. Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Private 2nd Class-Rank 2 [PV2] Private First Class-Rank 3 [PFC] Specialist-Rank 4 [sPC] Corporal-Rank 5 [CPL] Sergeant-Rank 6 [sGT] Staff Sergeant-Rank 7 [sSG] Sergeant First Class-Rank 8 [sFC] Master Sergeant-Rank 9 [MSG] First Sergeant-Rank 10 [1SG] Sergeant Major-Rank 11 [sGM] Command Sergeant Major- Rank 12 [CSM] Sergeant Major of the Army-Rank 13 [sMA] Warrant Officer-Rank 14 [W01] Chief Warrant Officer 1st-Rank 15 [CW1] Chief Warrant Officer 2nd-Rank 16 [CW2] Chief Warrant Officer 3rd-Rank 17 [CW3] Chief Warrant Officer 4th-Rank 18 [CW4] Second Lieutenant-Rank 19 [2LT] First Lieutenant-Rank 20 [1LT] Captain-Rank 21 [CPT] Major-Rank 22 [MGJ] Lieutenant Colonel-Rank 23 [LTC] Colonel-Rank-Rank 24 [COL] Brigadier General-Rank 25 [bG] Major General-Rank 26 [MG] Lieutenant General-Rank 28 [LG] General-Rank 29 [GEN] General of the Army-Rank 30 [GA] Head Of State-Rank Infinity
  2. To All Who Joined [DC] This Is How Everything Will Hopefully Work, Not Sure What Are The Rank https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9631 All Will Start Rank One But Me And Random Anime Girl Me As Head Of State And Random Anime Girl As General Just For Now I Will Add A Full List Later This Day/Night To Me Its Night, So How You Will Be Ranked Is, 1.Play Time, In A Day/ Total 2.Vip 3.Rep 4.Time In Gang 5. How Much You Do, Team With Members And Win Wars etc 6.In War Kills 7.RDM Zone Total In End Of A Day. 8.Members Invited And Joined --------------------------------------------------------- Members ATM Rhubarb Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Weeaboo=Random Anime Girl General-Rank 11 [GEN] Stattrak™ Sterben Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Bahawarroior 200 Private-Rank 1 [PV1] UrbanR3DPL4YZ Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Hungry African Child Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Bill Freeman-Rank Head Of State-Rank Infinity
  3. Sorry For Making This I Was Thinking That It Was A Bug So Don't Wast Your Time.
  4. Sadly No Good For You [video=youtube]https://youtu.be/JD1XYZ39-vg Hmm
  5. Dc Is Here Time To Ear slap Your Enemies To Death. Dc Is A Gang That Goes Around Mic Spamming Everyone *Maybe Break Some Rules* And Having Fun... So Join Me And Random Anime Girl And A Lot More Hopefully. Ranks Private-Rank 1 [PV1] Private 2nd Class-Rank 2 [PV2] Private First Class-Rank 3 [PFC] Corporal-Rank 4 [CPL] Sergeant-Rank 5 [sGT] Captain-Rank 6 [CPT] Major-Rank 7 [MGJ] Colonel-Rank 8 [COL] Major General-Rank 9 [MG] General-Rank 10 [GEN] Head Of State-Rank Infinity --------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. it did not remove any hp and why remove the armor why not make it so if you use it take 25/50% of your hp.
  7. look's like its from props you spawn after you remove them it break's the shadows or some... Hmm
  8. We Got A Winner! You Get...*Run's Away*
  9. Bug Description: disguise swep thing makes you Lose your armor How to reproduce: Disguise your self from Disguise swep and after you undisguised your self your armor is gone Priority: Medium I Did Not Spawn W The Disguise Swep I Got It From A Crate Just To let You Know
  10. that happed to me too but after the server reset it got fixed i have not seein it for sometime
  11. alot of you ask your self everyday are traps gay =Traps Men how wear women Stuff..Mostle Anime Shit..
  12. oh i see now i didnt know that the zones reset if you get all of the zones..
  13. Description: The Pirate After Finding a Zone Can Scroll Weapon After Clicking And It Will Reset The Zones... How to reproduce: Use The Scanner Find Zone Click Left Mouse Botton Change Weapon Before The Swap Move Ends All Zone's Reset. Priority: Exploit High My Eng Is Bad Sorry
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