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MF BREADMAN last won the day on May 26 2021

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Community Answers

  1. The idea behind the free one is just one anyone can use. Big boy and new guy are like that where everyone can change it. However if you spend 10 mil or 600 suga you can get your own from there its 10mil/600 suga to add wep slots to it along with purchasing perms to models
  2. Never had one of these but they look tasty
  3. I was able to get it fixed thank you cock god
  4. I had to delete my discord because it got hacked and now my forums account is not able to be linked to my new one. Is there a way to remove my old discord from my forums account?
  5. I believe this job should move up to multiple slots however there is the issue of treasure spawns which i see 2 possible solutions 1.) Multiply the drops by the number of people on/cut the spawn time 2.) Instance loot where every client on the job has certain spots only they can see and dig Or maybe i am an idjit and it could just solve itself who knows
  6. If you use the in built windows "Character Map" You can find plenty of symbols to add (Though i think you can't add them to the tag but have gang members add it to their names lul) Also armbands would be cool but coding that is more effort then anyone wants to put forth
  7. I have noticed that the king has only one (two counting assassin) jobs related to him I am here to make some suggestions to fix that. The Cleric The cleric is a healer first and foremost and can heal from longer ranges than anyone else Weps: Cure wounds, Mace, and Mass healing word Objective: Keep the king and his cohorts safe from harm Not meant for combat so the cleric has only 25 armor and 100 Hp The Paladin The Paladin is a Tanky-er unit then other king jobs specializes in melee combat Weps: Warhammer & Shield and Healing Hands Objective: Run down intruders and heretics with a warhammer and keep other combat units alive. Might add more later
  8. non default chat boxes can suck for performance having a option to turn it off and on could be good (Though this one is very lightweight and really prolly wouldn't hurt much)
  9. Honey Bee I think they're epic
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