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A person - omnieducation.n


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by A person - omnieducation.n

  1. Recently I started having more fun on the server, and I love it, to the staff and owner of the server I want to say thank you for making such a great server and I have someone promotion ideas.



    Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


    Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!


    Also a shoutout to Sammah she got promoted today that's why she's not on this tiny list.

    ( This is the list of people I see every day I play on the server )


    Thank you for reading - Grady / Will killz you <3


    Sorry if you're not on here, I still do appreciate your guys work!

    Recently I started having more fun on the server, and I love it, to the staff and owner of the server I want to say thank you for making such a great server and I have someone promotion ideas.



    Promote Big Tits He's a very had working staff member and he is very quick to take sits, if he can not do the sit, he will bring you and you'll watch the current sit which I think is a great idea.


    Promote GN Issac  He's also been working very very hard not the same as big tits, but I think he stills needs a promotion for his hard work!


    Also a shoutout to Sammah she got promoted today that's why she's not on this tiny list.


    ( This is the list of people I see every day I play on the server )


    Please don't hate me after this post ;( 


    Thank you for reading - Grady / Will killz you <3



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