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Brendan's Achievements



  1. Yes but beach bases are garbage if you're farming anything other than fish
  2. I personally like fishing on the server but at the moment fishing is so irrelevant for money, so it kind of pushes me away from even doing it. I Suggest adding a kiddy pool entity to purchase and spawn anywhere such as your base so you can fish while basing and farming printers, drugs, etc to stay occupied, otherwise you're staring at the door/hallway waiting to press e on a printer and put batteries in. I believe this would make fishing twice as much fun and more useful then its current state. :D https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/7fb1c820-6c3d-4327-a1ba-0b737bc61ea6_1.cdd858530a2e2effeac951001060dfe8.jpeg?odnWidth=undefined&odnHeight=undefined&odnBg=ffffff[/img]
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