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U Wot M8


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by U Wot M8

  1. In the poll it says get Sanic perma banned and while I'd like to see that, I'd soooo much rather have the beautiful Evilmelon back. Started from the bottom now we here. Evilmelon was gr8, new shit happening a lot, a lot of public fun building space. Remember the Great Melon Wall, the 4th Reich area, those mobster guys that took over like half the map, and even Billy Mays' shit houses I sold for like $10,000? Gr8 tiems. I actually liked that other Downtown map that had the sewer and giant suburban houses. That map was alright and tolerable enough. Evilmelon was still and will always be liek 500000x better than this one we have now. Seriously #BRINGBACKMELON needs to get trending. Did I mention how we need to get Evilmelon back? cuz we do. Seriously though, shit didnt work out too well when we switched maps the first time. Buncha Muncha Cruncha people left and then we got sweet ass evilmelon back and it waas beautiful. ALSO, THOSE EBOLA CHECKPOINTS! YA CAN'T DO THAT IN DOWNTOWN!
  2. Dude, if I ever get back to playing this, I will find your base and I will blow it the F up. CHEK URSELF B 4 U REK URSELF M8y
  3. Suck my ass hydralite, its fucking groundhogs day in the greatest goddamn country in the fucking world. With shit like that, no wonder my great great grandpa immigrated from Ireland. Fucking potato....
  4. Who the fuck else is excited about ya boi Punxsutawney Fucking Phil? I know I fucking am. That OG ass groundhog is gonna fucking tell us if we're in for another 6 FUCKING WEEKS OF MOTHERFUCKING WINTER! That's right bitches... This tiny nigga gonna decide if it's gonna be fucking cold and shit or start warming the fuck up. Happy fuckin groundhogs day you sick fucks<3 I hope a blizzard fucks your shit up steve. Option 1- Yes I would love for steve to snapchat me his balls! Option 2- fuck no, they're probably raisins with AIDScancergonorrhea and herpes. Option 3- what are balls? For mine have not fallen quite yet. Hence, I am a faggot.
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