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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by AceDiscounti

  1. nowhat im gonna fucking study this shit man i will right a god damn essay next time i will figure out what i did wrong myself and fucking do this im sick of people not responding to single rdm sits i want to do that shit man fucking heck my next application will be a damn short story i can tell you that much fucking heck god im retarded whatever you get my idea
  2. I spent 30 minutes on that first of all I dont understand how you want me to handle these situations its not like they arehandled like this on the server anyways every scenario is wrong? when some guy hits me 1 one damage and he calls rdm and i see him call the sit nothing happens and theres like 6 mods on I WAS EVEN TOLD that single rdm sits CAN BE IGNORED, and how is the stinky butthole one wrong? I dont get it its a stupid childish insult that should be ignored because more things are important. i can understand the i cant find a guy i have no idea how that one works and a situation like that has never happened. I just honestly dont know what you want and I read the rules building with printers is bannable so why is that one wrong? is the time wrong? I dont get it you cant say stuffs wrong and not atleast give me some sort of guideline why it is because i cant learn then. I tried to do it by handling every situation with a warning that didn't work i tried the theres more important things approach that didn't work either i just dont get what im suppose to put down. Could you please give me some sort of guidelines or something ive read the rules constantly before every answer and used personal experience with other admins to see how they do their job And what I wrote is how it goes single rdm sits are ignored almost all of the time building with entites is always just a warn and the insult thing makes no damn sense. I can understand if its a direct attack but its stinky butthole come on Moral of this post is please give me some help or guidelines so i can improve myself so I can stop wasting your time with these applications. I really would love to be a mod on this server this is honestly the best server ive ever played on and i just feel like theres sits that need to be handled that are unhandled. So please just give me some guidelines or tell me what I did wrong and why its wrong PLEASE. Thank you and good day.
  3. другдругдругдругдругдругдругдругill cave your Johnson другдругдругдругдругдругдругдругдругдруг
  4. i never curse is a sit my requests i know they dont have to take the single rdms that's fine but its when im getting rdmed by the same guy over and over and it takes them like 20 minutes to reply finnaly or if its mass nlr it still takes like 10 minutes dont get me wrong they reply sometimes theres some admins who reply all the time its just a really mixed bag this is not just me so many people complain about how some guy rdms them constantly and the mods/admins never reply. i didn't mean to potray it as single rdm meant to say its the same guy constantly. I know they could be busy as well but still when theres like 10 admins on and theres 50 people i dont think they could be THAT busy This is from my experience and about 20 people ive asked about it so its not like i dont have some sort of reason for this post.
  5. Every time i join the server i get rdmed atleast once by some guy and its almost never handled. even when there is like 10 staff on its fucking stupid and it pisses me off to no end if they keep nlring and raiding me constantly wtf am i suppose to do just deal with it? i cant be more specific then i am and i dont understand why they dont reply ill make about 4 fucking reports a day and sometimes only 1 is handled like wtf its really god damn annoying and im sick of it please for the love of god fix this its a great server the staff handle the sits well but they never fucking accept reports unless its mass rdm or something.
  6. Can i get the hazard scanner and be able to buy bleach for my cc? its a hazard model and that's kinda what i wanted but theres no option to buy the hazard scanner
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