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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by IamBestPlayer

  1. I love you thats why you are respected in my opinion babe I love you
  2. YO BOYS ITS NAZ/im a flaming homo Yall very nice people tried to perm me but im back walter is hecking lit and nobody can change that Umbak klak is a hecking god its ya boy green is a good person (stop phys gunning everyone and nocliping through your base dad) 404 is the best tmod by far and one of the most helpfull staff members on the server glarry im sorry axiyum is hecking awesome babs morgan and me are cool now at least i made peace before the perm rubik i wont forget you unbanning me that one time you are cool for that xior you are nice and good looking im sorry rigbe, i hope one day we will be cool sp0oky is my very good friend how tf is he not staff btw he is fire sugar is a Respectable person i love you race<3
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