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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Drako_0

  1. Bug Description: When moving my gun stand it just diapered i asked a mod to look under the map and it was not there How to reproduce: i dont know if you can but try moving thr gun stand around the fountain Priority: low and high at the same time low because i doubt you will even be able to reproduce the bug, however its also high because of how much money can be lost ex: i lost 500k just today
  2. Bug Description: When using my crafting station i have no way of ejecting the contents How to reproduce:idk if its only me that this happens to (seems that way) but i open the crafting station and theres no "eject" button people keep talking about Priority: Very Low
  3. I found a bug where my daily login will not go past day 1 (1000$) Recreating the bug: In my case i recreate the bug buy simply joing the server and its still stuck on day 1 even though its been 3 days Priority: its not that important but im really missing out on the rewards i should be getting and i feel as if i wont be reimbursed for the items ive missed out on
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