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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Yung�kingPin

  1. I believe my friend has been estranged in a series of lies that have been perpetrated from a position of power. This administrator clearly has the means to harass my friend, and I can guarantee you that what happened before, that was not recorded was proactive in nature, and unfitting of a staff member. You can see in his voice inflection at the end, and in the way he followed him and pestered him, that he was trying to anger him to evict a response. You can see that he does not even try and engage him in a sit or get a real answer, but simply follows him with the intent of causing rage and finding a reason to administer a ban. My friends and I, long time patrons of this server, would love to be able to play in peace, without people using doctored footage and admin abilities to find ways to get rid of us. Our group has never caused trouble on this server and we believe that we are an integral part of the community. This is an attack on our ethics, our honesty, and our credibility, nothing more. I think the real dilemma here, is that there are admins on this server who would rather single people out and harass them, then do their job and maintain a nice playing environment. I ask that a higher power investigate this and not take the word of this seemingly dubious staff member. Thank You, Devonte Nigga
  2. Lil Dick aka joey123 is a friend I made whilst playing this server, he is pretty new to the game and the game type. I've been trying to teach him how to play and pretty much the basics of the game. He is well aware of the server rules and I have made sure that he has read the MOTD. I do not think the ban was appropriate because it lacked an admin sit or any further investigation. I have seen some admin abuse and one sided admin sits so far while playing the server. I do not think the ban was appropriate because the video that was posted only showed some of what went on that night and was extremely one sided and not fair to joey. I especially do not like the fact that the person who reported him and posted the video (blacnova) was also being very much of a minge and was disrespecting me and my friends, making him a hypocrite. We also need to look at that video and ask did any one really get hurt? Did what he said actually offend anyone to the point of feeling sad or depressed? No, I don't think so. With all of this said I think that joey123 at most should of received a warning or at most a one day ban but with the fairness of a full admin sit. So in conclusion I think that joey123's ban should be lifted or should be reduced to 1-2 days at most.
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