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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Consario

  1. If your talking about the carbon fiber fishing rod, ive heard that it is extremely glitchy and can even cause script errors. My friend told me he lost inventory slots from this bug. The bug im talking about, I would say the priority is high but maybe were not talking abut the same bug.


    Nah, i'm talking about the screen for crafting being stuck on my screen. and how i'm missing options on crafting

  2. Description: So, I put in some materials to do some crafting. And this appeared:


    Before clicking anything, If i moved away, it'd disappear, but after clicking one of them, the image was stuck on my screen


    How to reproduce: Idk if it works 100% but all I did was toss a shipment of metal, wood, and individual chems into the Crafting Bench


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low): It's not that bad, but it also takes from the rp if you're trying to make something. So i'd say it's Medium

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