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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Squid

  1. This is more autistic than my 15+ GB folder of meme sound clips I have saved for HLDJ. I honestly think I'm going to develop autism, cancer, and down syndrome in one day whilst in a coma. Lmao
  2. Hey Blac do you have a big enough signature? It's 2x bigger than any post I've seen you make lmao. But I love the screenshot :P
  3. No offense or anything, it's a good starter base, but nothing I'd rely on for my bases. But that's just my opinion, everyone might have a different view and nobody can change that. I've been building for quite some time and I'd rank myself as a pretty good builder, but that's just me. I use a completely different building style and it works out great for me, barely get successfully raided unless it's by somebody with a hackphone :@
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