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Two-Time Tabernacker


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Two-Time Tabernacker

  1. Yeah trying to switch them out just gives me an error.
  2. I was thinking something like that. Well at least I'm not the only one.
  3. Alright, that would just be sw_breaching charge. I bought the other 3 with in-game money/sugar dollars though. And yeah its been a while lol. Computer issues suck.
  4. I go to the CC Editor so I can get a refund on the custom sweps I've purchased, but the option doesn't show up. I even tried switching out the swep for a different one but I just get an error. The sweps I need a refund for are: weapon_fingerawp, weapon_xmas_flash, weapon_xmas_nade, and sw_breachingcharge
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