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Chris (2)


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Chris (2)

  1. not at all he doenst even have a trail and the guy shooting the gun was a friend ive made vip, he only has 1 legendary which is a sniper
  2. desc: certain assult rifes do a glitch where it shoots a shit ton of bullets at once and in a shape of a cone, not only is it a visual effect it also effects the dmg output and makes it just as good or even better than a legendary and the spread of the bullets by very very much. and I believe ppl have been calling this "glitched hitboxes" when it is really this. I was doing a raid and someone was able to kill me in under .4 seconds and make my body go flying while having full armour and hp. How to reproduce: idk Priority: high https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg1BDBeTGCQ
  3. how about just limiting the amount of perms a cc can have, forcing people to buy more cc's. and how about certain items going with certain items ex. if you first choose a lockpick for your cc you can only equip raid items such as breaching chargers and what not, but not allowing them to equip a medkit or a healing grenade, you can easily find a partner to do a raid with you that has these healing equipment. In my eyes this makes sense you don't see normal class items crossing over with other normal class items. cc's should be the same.
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