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Lil Dick


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Lil Dick

  1. ign joey123

    steam username itsnotjoe

    steam id STEAM_0:0:109988989

    I was banned for minging for 4 days than momentarily after my new to the game brother goes on the server and as a joke changes his name to joey12345  he changed it back once he was in a sit he does not have a mic he is getting one for Christmas so he was setting up my mic because they didn't believe my brother so they said to  set my mic up and I have a blue snowball so it takes a few minutes to set it up so while my brother was setting it up he gets banned for 7 days and my ban gets raised to 7 days and then its been about four days since this all happened I have recently made a thread but it did not have the correct format but today I check to see if I get unbanned and I got perma ban nothing said to me my thread is closed I don't know why they randomly banned me I do not think that I deserve a permanent ban for "minging" and " alt accounting"


  2. 1 I just gave my brother this account obviously im going to be his friend hes my brother and he doesn't have a mic because hes getting one for Christmas also those words were never typed this is what I said "you actually ban me for "leaving the server so you cant get the money from my printers even though I had to go"  so I said your actually a fag that's all what was said

  3. yea well for all you know MY BROTHER WAS PLAYING NOT ME so stop one siding it and besides even if I was installing a voice mod cant you tell the difference between a 10 year old and a voice mod

    why didn't you just wait for my brother to setup the mic and actually take the sit further into detail because I think 7 day banning someone shouldn't have a sit that's 2 minutes long

  4. Ok fine what ever but what about the "alt" account theres no proof on both sides so will equal that there should not be a ban also I will say again WHILE MY BROTHER WAS SETTING UP MY MIC HE GOT BANNED THE ADMINS TOLD HIM TO TALK SO HE SET UP HIS MIC AND HE WAS BANNED HE EVEN SAID GIMME A SEC

    And I also like how he says 1-4 days and you decide to pick the highest amount of days so you can get me out and use your powers to your advantage

  5. I was banned for 4 days because I was a minge even though he followed me for 15 minutes and was running around stalking me and just making  me get mad and of course someone records me getting pissed off but that's not the point the main point is that how is me saying that a admins bad being a minge also I got my banned raised to 7 days because I got off and then my brother went on because hes new and I was just laying on my bed and as a joke he changes his name to joey12345 and I was screaming at him because I was saying that he was going to get himself banned for alting and so my brother doesn't have a mic but I have one so he gets called into a sit about alting and my brothers typing I don't have a mic hold on im getting my brothers (my mic) and right as he says hold on im setting it up because (I have a blue snowball you need to actually calibrate it and shit) but as im helping him calibrate it he gets banned and my banned got raised to 7 days please help

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