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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by vTECH

  1. I don't think that raiders should have lockpicks, it pretty much gets rid of the purpose of the thief. So, heres an idea, give the SLEDGEHAMMER to the raider and get rid of the rebel class. Lets be honest the only reason we use rebel is because of the sledgehammer. Take some appeal in this and tell me what you think.
  2. Ok, sorry for spamming suggestions but i want to improve the server. These new circle printers are very bad, only 25000 max storage and takes 7 years to get their. I liked the old printers the server had because they were upgradable which made them need to be protected more and makes more better defences so funner raids. circle printers only take 10000 to make and are terrible for farming money. your better off making meth but I always get raided while making meth so its a no from me. I hope the old upgradable printers return maybe keep circle printers as a starter printer and just add a more expensive one to pair with it. if we just keep circle printers its gonna be the most boring thing ever thanks for reading. (sorry for not caping and terrible grammar but im in a rush.) edit: (i mean like about 15000 upgrade.)
  3. I want to start my suggestion off with a question, why was pocket removed? OK, pocket is a very necessary tool for servers that allowed pocketed printers/bit miners. More than once when post-raiding stage when im carrying printers back theirs that one guy, you know him every raider does. "Hey, nice printer your carrying" "Uh, thanks I guess." "It would be a shame if something happens to it." *shoots and kills you and destroys printer* What I'm trying to say here is that adding pocket would make this stage of raiding so you don't have random players RDMing you and destroying the printer you worked so hard for. Being able to pick up printers will most likely increase the amount of raiding making the server more fun :) ( since more people actually get profit out of it). Please Sugar consider my appeal and add pocket back. EDIT: yes, i do understand this is only one use for pocket and inventory pretty much destroys pocket in all cases except for this one.
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