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oringe joos


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by oringe joos

  1. I can inventory superclockers after crafting them but normal sound reducers and sound reducer signals cannot be inventoried unless spawned from a shipment, the shipment can be inventoried but the usable items themselves cannot
  2. Okay so when you receive printer silencer signals from a shipment, like from a quest, you can inventory it, or open shipment and press e on the silencer and itll open another silencer that can actually be used, similar to fishing and getting a spirit jar. Well you should be able to inventory silencer signals right after crafting them or when they're in the usable state but you cannot. I suggest signal silencers in their usable form be able to be placed in inventory for future use
  3. I think tilling plots should definitely stay on the server whenever whoever spawned them disconnects / they should be able to be placed in pickup boxes. besides when i go on mass rdm sprees and pay the mods not to ban me, i fish. being able to catch fish while sitting on a bench or a chair would be a nice feature, i saw in the changelog you can finally fish in first person so that's a plus, only problem is you'd have to get out of your chair to inventory whatever you catch, unless you know the workaround for this, which still requires leaving your seat. videos being able to be displayed to your friends on the server instead of just the audio is a big plus. idk how many resources it'd take to implement this but its a nice feature. 80% of the server nowadays just stands around pd or fountain, killing kidnappers or being cop mains and arresting the kidnappers Regarding public bases, if a base is public the server rules state it needs to have a textscreen saying "public bar" or "public place" because if a sign is up, fading doors can be allowed and no money making entities are allowed to be there so therefore nobody can raid it so theres really no need to find a fix for getting killed in a public base.
  4. Ingame name: oringe joos Steam profile: /oringejoos Previous gangs: dead memes, Apex, Bears, FIDKY Hours played: 580 Hours played past week: 111 past 2 weeks so im guessing around 60 Gametracker score: #36 on tits rp (2257) Age: 16 What can you provide regarding raids: Honestly, I don't think I can provide much here. My bad computer hinders me from raiding/killing effectively. I can definitely help with perimeters of raids, next to supplying potions and I'm working on creating talismans What can you provide regarding basing: I am mainly a base hermit, So , I can provide base defense, and I am good at managing printers. Currently only have two dupes to use for basing. Do you use a mic: not often in-game but I use it to communicate during steam/discord calls effectively. What is your favorite food: Steak, chicken, broccoli.
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