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  1. Funny story, the juggernaut was actually like that except for the 500 armor part but sugar nerfed him due to the player base complaining about it being "overpowered"
  2. Before you call for a sit ask yourself these questions. Who am i reporting Why am i reporting Can i resolve this issue myself? Note: Most people when they request a sit..are usually turds and use vulgar language in their report. I understand you may be upset but it is no reason to curse or call the other player you're reporting a faggot, it will not get your sit request accepted any faster. You should also include some detail in your report, some information is better than none. Good Example: Hey, I was rdmed by walter the assaulter. All i did was walk pass him and he gunned me down. I asked in ooc for his reason for killing me and he didn't respawn, i would like to take this to a sit. Bad Example: Omfg this faggot named Walter killed me, ban his dumbass sssssjfuendhchendufjssjsdjdune Granted in most cases your sit will be accepted or at least should be. There are some exceptions where a staff might not accept the sit(Afk, sit disappears after a minute while other staff are busy with currents sits). In this particular case its a rdm sit, some players might report for something that might be prioritized over your sit. Example: Cold testicle is currently mass rdming players in the street and continues after he has been killed. If your sit hasn't been accepted the first time you request for one i would suggest waiting 30 seconds to a 1 min before making another one, so that staff don't assume you are just spamming sit requests. Im sure someone could of explained this a little better than i did but i just wanted to set an example, since players seem to complain when staff don't take sits. Ps. Walter is gay Cold Testicles only
  3. This public meeting is good, i have quite a few things to bring up.
  4. Im active everyday, But im not on the list.
  5. Description: Being unable to see players How to reproduce: Not quite sure how to reproduce since i dont know the exact cause of it But it happens every once an awhile, A player would be completely invisible on my screen but appear visible on other players screen(This was tested by Me and Sp0oky). I was also told the other day that i was completely invisible even though on my screen it showed me being visible, i tested to see if the stealth camo would make me reappear visible but it did not. This can be very dangerous if a player is raiding someones base and the other player cannot see them at all. Priority: Medium
  6. please direct me to the nearest speed swep dealer Adrenaline that's not the same thing Just how do speedsweps counteract a juggernaut???????? Literally arguing to keep an overpowered class because cc' s have a swep to move around the map and not allowed to use in to. How about making minigun a weapon not allowed in rp ? From what you've just said it seems like you want it to be easier to steamroll cops. Make your PD Raids and revolts a little easier. No other CP class can standup to a cc fairly so im not sure where you're trying to get at with this "Synergy".
  7. Not at all suggesting what the server needs this is bs you guys dont seem to give a damn and i already talked to you about it on the server. This has happened to me and a few other party members. someone either used the !unstuck command to glitch into our base or they prop exploited to get in.
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