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Give lasaga


Give lasaga last won the day on January 27 2018

Give lasaga had the most liked content!

Give lasaga's Achievements



  1. Application format Ingame name: MOB Steam profile: Give Lasaga ::: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198151057184/ Previous gangs: None Hours played: 28.78 (I think thats off) Hours played past week: 15 Gametracker score: 198 Age: 15 What can you provide regarding raids: I have a CC with very good guns. I'd be happy to lend a hand by healing or even on the front lines. What can you provide regarding basing: I'd base with anyone and give printers/processors. I can help build bases and share my knowledge of base building. Do you use a mic: Yes What is your favorite food: Sushi/Cereal
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