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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Noahmh

  1. Ingame name: Noahmh Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198206042499/ Previous gangs: Dinglefuck Hours played: 289 Hours played past week: ~~50 Gametracker score: 2396 (#8) Age: 15 [align=center]What can you provide regarding raids: Healer, Armor pots to go around. Decent aim[/align] What can you provide regarding basing: No Life, attentive, quick responce Do you use a mic: sometimes What is your favorite food: IDK prolly like pizza or like chips
  2. Yeah i was told about it so i wanted to test it (dont worry i killed myself in the event)
  3. As an abomiation you can go rampage in the event. This gives you a major advantage You can recreate eaisly. Start a propclimb. Go abomiation then when u get tp'd in do !rampage and you have your full speed and everything Priority: medium
  4. Noahmh


    i-i-is this a ban appeal?
  5. Ok so i just got home from school right? and i was like "SHiiitttt i have so much HW" then i decided to check steam to see if i had any new messages or anything, or if someone needs me they can PM me right? So i see "One new comment on your steam profile" and i was thinking.. What could it be https://gyazo.com/43377d62c254c0c123d81becb19b5d3d then i saw this gem.
  7. Well because I am not at school I am not writing a full on essay. Ok so most people on titsRP are poor. We know this. Most of the money on the server is held by 1-2 % of the players. If you do some sort of challenge to give a way that money it might be helpful to the people that need it most! I will admit. In the time i have played on the server i have given away 10 million. I gave two people VIP. And when you do, they become your friends and it is just a really kind act. Also its fun with thoses mini events like “ RDM arena first to destroy the balloon gets the money” or “One life winner gets the monies” And if someone that just joined and they win the money it might make them play more. Also if you are applying for staff, if people see you handing out money and being nice that may help your chances. Also if you are basing people might think “oh this guy gave me money i wanna help him.” I know if you gave me 1m for example i would give u my proc/printers if u need it. And it provides good karma. Think about it, You just got raided, and someone sees, they might help. Or you could just do it out of the kindness of your heart! That's why i gave two people VIP ( it was 5m each so in total 10m). There are the basic benefits also of “being liked more” or “because people are poor” or a few others, but don't you think it be cool like if you are walking down the streets of TitsRP and some random person comes up to you can says “hey! I bet you do not remember me but a while ago you gave me 1 million dollars and i want to return that favor” and they give you money. Like how awesome would that be! Also you could get more things, like i said might help with staff, if you run for mayor people might give you a vote. Also, for example, i not AT ALL good at building, idk how you are but im not good at it, so i always base with a friend. And when one of the people i got VIP for swings by the buy their printers for us. And you never know you might meet a friend from this and then you start helping each other and you both get richer! Now none of this might happen, or none of this might happen. But this is just best case. And to quote directly, “o if one of you wastes the time to actual write this damn essay post it here as a reply. (that one episode of spongebob where he had to write an 800 word essay inspired me to do this lol).” well… spongebob is a kind person. So if you are inspired by him, you should do what he does and just be nice. So what you do not get anything in return if you give out money. No matter what you will get respect! And that is one of the best things you can earn. I know (even if i dont win the money) i would respect you, and so would the people that DID win the money. At least i hope the people i gave money respect me. As in like they like me and dont talk behind my back. So what someone does not give you money back. Or you do not get a really good gun in return. Respect is something that you must earn. And giving away money to someone that might need it will earn you that respect. Some people will go with the first answer of “people are poor” or “cuz i am 1 mill from VIP i need it D:” That's not why i think you should give it away. I think the main reason should be, out of the kindness of your heart, or just for respect, Sure it would be nice to help people like the i need 1 mill for VIP, but it the best feeling in the world when you give the person the money and they come up and say thanks. It just warms the soul so much. And it warms my heart when i see people on the server, coming together and getting along. So in conclusion, you SHOULD give the money away, not for weapons or anything, but out of the kindness of your heart and just to have the feeling of helping some random person just get by and start to play the server, just because they got 1 mill when they started. Thanks for reading. https://wordcounter.net/
  8. Ok loook, if you have a CC as Yoooooitsabear said, you are considered rich. But why is that a bad thing. The people that have been here a while have learned through trial and error and have gotten all of that money themselves. Why is it fair to take all of their grinding away? Like for example if you put a cap on CC things people would hit that cap in a day. If it is only 4 then thats 45 mill. Easy. Mabey 2 weekends of grinding. But thats because i know how to play the server. Most people here dont know how to. But why should the people that have been here a while suffer because of that. im 100% sure, half the people we consider "poor" on this server have less than 20h loged. Thats because they havnt learned what to do and like what bases to use, what guns to use, and what ways are best for money. I suggest putting like a like to a good guide that explains it for everyone. SO as i stated before. DONT TOUCH THE CC'S REEEEEEEEEE
  9. Well if we don't have restrictions on some things I could become mayor and put a cerfew on the whole time and AOS everyone by that logic
  10. Well I mean yeah, but we cant fix that, but we can fix the rules
  11. Ok so I enjoy titsRP as much as the next guy but, we need more rules about the laws mayor can, and cant do. Like this for example, please note this is not a report on Genkki its a discussion about the laws we can make as a mayor, Anyway for example this screen shot; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554146 or this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273553973 So you telling me that if you break a window or play Pomf Pomf earslap(lets be honest that's the only song worthy of ear rape) it is equal to, and I quote for the MOTD, "Killing more than one officer, kidnapping the Mayor, killing the Mayor, calling a terrorist act" SO YOUR TELLING ME that ear raping a song or breaking a window IS EQULO KILLING THE MAYOR OR MASS MURDER. LIKE WTF. We need restrictions! Or something like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554272 There are no cars why is J-walking allowed to even be law. AND ON TOP OF NO CARS ITS A TERROIST OFFENCE! This is also something that is complete and utter bullshit, this; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554390 I don't own a house if I'm not basing, and what if someone just joins and they get fined 20k for walking outside... I'm willing to bet all of my money they will quit! I mean I would too. We need many rules about what you can and cant make laws about for mayor, Its too relaxed. Also while I was typing this I got arrested several times for "You's a nigger faggot" and all that happened was a fire of the cp NOT EVEN A WARN. This really depended on the staff on not something you can change but still. So I reported him and this is what I FUCKING SEE IN CHAT; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273570013 so if revolt lasts 10 minutes and then after revolt for 30 minutes, WE CANT DO SHIT FOR 40 MINUTES LIKE WHY IS THAT ALLOWED! All in all i hope only want mayor's rules to be less relaxed. Like why is J-walking allowed to be a terroist offence with out any cars... Think about it. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273586084 This also happends.
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