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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Madara

  1. so its been forever since ive played gmod and ive decided to get back into it after taking a long break ill be active almost everyday hopefully everyones cool with it and i look forward to being part of this server again.

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  2. Hi I don't know why you where warned but its really not anything to worry about you wont be banned unless you get abunch of warns in a short period.



  3. I watched you stab someone right infront of me it was not the monster hunter i already warned you about rdming and you did it again you were banned for 2 days it could have been more for you walking up to people and killing them





  4. Yea if you know someone is breaking rules like rdming or rdaing no point going to them and talking lol i just ban them saves you and other people from whatever it is







  5. Hi first of all congrats on mod. Just wanted to leave a few quick tips to help you guys out.

    1. read the motd this is very obvious.

    2. if you dont know something ask someone on or from steam im more then happy to help you guys out.

    3. BE NICE. dont be a dick in sits.


    5. listen to everyones side of the story in a sit.

    6. sit in on 1 of the other admins or mods sits.

    7. KILL KEVIN he is your worst enemy now.

    8. last tip just try to be a nice person all around help people learn how to choose a job help them build something help them find the meth dealer.


    again congrats and welcome.



  6. Kevin is so mean to everyone and hes always hurting peoples feelings i think if we can join together and fight back we can stop that horrible person ps kevin batman is almost as useless as aqua man

  7. by addons i just mean tools for said class to use for example the handcuffs were a great addon to the cp and for the classes that can kidnap.

    imo simple stuff makes the class more fun to use and by adding more things the class can use players could be tempted to try everything on that class if that makes sense.


    also the restraints message should be added, i think it would give the cops more of a duty or even just players in general. Say you get kidnapped you usually are gagged so you cant call for help. Maybe adding in some kind of bartering system say 1k to get your friend back? i dont know.

    Maybe adding in m9k weapons you become proficient in using like in some ttt servers for example making you reload alittle bit faster or slower fire rate but abit more damage. again just throwing around ideas

  8. I think the jailbreak idea is a good thing to add like you said giving jailbreaks meaning instead of waiting.


    One of my ideas is addons to classes/jobs, for example making meth is somewhat fun.

    Maybe the addition of slot machines would be a good idea? cause who doesn't like to gamble.


    I don't know if this is a decent idea or not but im just throwing ideas around but maybe including some way to level up by doing tasks like say buy a car or complete a hit with a pistol i think things like that would be a good idea.

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