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Disco Soup Can -TPF-


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Disco Soup Can -TPF-

  1. Your Steam Name: Disco Soup Can

    Your ingame name: Disco Soup Can

    Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/discosoupcan1223/

    What segment would you like to be a part of?: Staff Promotions, Demotions, and Notable bans

    Why do you want to join the team?: Because I have not really been on the server that often due to repetitiveness but I feel that this might make me more active and have more fun. 

    Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add)

  2. I say you should change the Raid Timer from 20 minutes to 5-10 minutes. Being a lover for raiding I like to be able to raid frequently or else it gets really boring for me usually resulting in me going AFK or sitting in my base and running in circles or something. I used to play on a DarkRP server called Smashing Limes RP and they had a raid timer of 5-10 minutes and it was awesome and extremely fun. I can see and understand why it might not be as fun for new players or people who are not very good at building or self defense and that is why I am saying 5-10 instead of just 5 because It gives people a fair amount of time to get re-coordinated and ready to fight raiders.

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