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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by [GR]Rabbit

  1. What is your in-game name? - Rabbit SR Why would you like to join CX? - CX has the reputation of simply the most fearsome, powerful, and organized gang on the server. I would like to apply for them because I want to be apart of this exclusive circle that is legendary in defense, raiding, weapons manufacturing, and money printing. How often to do you see other CX members? - I see 3-4 on at any given time I am on the server. How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - I'll usually play 15 hours a week. Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes. What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - Firstly, I am unattested for the title of the fastest player on the server. Starting from the unaided, base speed of a regular player, I can build into a speed 3x faster than a typical player using only my bunnyhopping abilities. Even those with custom CCs dedicated to speed still aren't as fast as me! Please watch this 1-minute~ video showing a short scale of map -- corner to corner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYhCT1g7V9w&feature=youtu.be Secondly, I am someone who has been working with the Source Engine actively on the developer's side for years. I know all of the ins-and-outs. If something isn't working the way you wanted to, or you want an easier way of doing something, you could always ask me. I have an expansive knowledge of the Source engine in all areas. Thanks for applying! We read applications throughout the day, if you don't instantly get a reply, no worries! We'll get to your application eventually.
  2. Just me, doing my thing :) PS: I touch barely on 700 velo on my last hop!
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