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  1. I'd also like to propose another rule change. I believe that any class that can kidnap should be punished for repeatedly kidnapping the same person over and over again. It's frustrating when you're kidnapped for 30 seconds every two minutes, and lost anything in your inventory. Like mugging or raiding, you're not supposed to hit the same person/base over and over again. Why is it any different when it comes to kidnapping?
  2. I don't think Sugar will be chaning the printer system at all,he may give it a boost or something but he wont change it completley. Sugar won't add Wiremod because it could make FPS problems and other stuff. We already have a prop buddy system or it was removed,I think it's still there.We have the sit addon. He should make the raiding rule clearer but not change it. I can already see people going away 10 metres away from their base,getting killed and whining that he cant kill him whilst he's away from his base. I don't believe FPS would be an issue if the more demanding Wiremod entities are blacklisted. Regardless, FPS in Gmod already sucks a lot. I don't think Wiremod is going to be a huge issue if it's added. I do still think that the printer system should be redone though. Like I said, having to micromanage them can be frustrating. I've also had a lot of issues with the sit mod. People have told me that it's Alt + E but that hasn't worked once and I've tried it numerous times. I searched extensively through the menus for a prop buddy system and didn't find one. Maybe it's hiding and I just haven't found it, but I'm fairly certain that it isn't there. I'd love to hear back from Sugar and have his input on these matters. The reasoning behind why he would or wouldn't implement some of these changes would be great.
  3. After playing on the server for a little bit, I've come to find some things that I do and don't like about it. This post is about improving some of the things that I do not like. New addons: The current printer system is horrible in my opinion. I hate that you have to constantly micromanage these things to get anything out of it, and they take awhile. Instead, printers that require less maintenance and time bonuses would be great. This is one example: https://garrysmods.org/download/57567/upgradeable-money-printer. Here's another example: https://garrysmods.org/download/55664/v12-owjos-printers. I believe players would enjoy this a lot more. Wiremod. Please add wiremod! Especially if new printers happen. There's so many useful things that wiremod has, and plenty of great features with it. Plus it's just really cool. A buddy prop system. This would allow friends that you enable to move and modify your props as necessary. Possibly something like this https://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=3363.0. I believe that falco is another popular one as well. The sit addon! I'm not sure if you actually have this or not. People have said that you do, but I haven't been able to sit down yet. This one right here looks like it'd work fine. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108176967 Rule Changes: The current rule regarding raiding isn't clear. For example, if you get killed outside of your base boundaries (Out of the fence and off the sidewalk. In the middle of the street in an opposite direction.), why does it count towards the raid? This happened to me today and I got a warn for it. I believe that this type of issue needs to be specified. This also isn't necessarily a fair thing either. Please let me know what you think of these ideas. I feel like they'd be very beneficial to the server and could add a lot more fun.
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