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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Bruce

  1. This job could work and it has a cool premise, but I don’t personally feel it is needed since boom boxes already exist and there’s a few kinks in the idea. The radios the Dj would place would need to be mutable or the dj could just spam ear slap on several stations throughout the map constantly. To me it kind of has the same premise as the pd tablet had, where the pd commander could use vc and everyone could hear it. More often than not with the tablet the user would scream into it and have to be force demoted or muted for abusing it. If the Dj role had some other use it might be a good addition but personally I don’t like the idea of the job being able to play music through out the map. With the last bit you mentioned, if players generally want to be noticed for playing music they will go hobo and mic spam. Not too bad of an idea though. If you have other ideas make sure to post them as well!


    The radio would be mutable from an in game settings menu related to the mod/addon.

  2. I started a poll on the TitsRP DarkRP server, and it was brought to my attention that I should bring it to the forums.  Seeing as to how there isn't currently a DJ/Music job, I thought it would be a good idea to consider adding one in.  Someone that can choose a song to broadcast over multiple user placed radios as stations that are able to be switched to depending on the players tastes.  Perhaps the DJ can receive a salary based upon how many listeners he or she has.  This will create competition, leading to more users playing as the DJ role.  I feel like this would be a step ahead in immersing players into the role play experience, as they will be able to choose what station they would like to listen to, thus supplying the DJ with viewers and reputation.

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