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ó �  ó � jinny


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by ó �  ó � jinny

  1. Ok, celebrating being on here so long and just enjoying the community, i'm gonna give back in another way. I own 8-9 CC Sweps and have accumulated over 200 mil in-game cash. I'm going to be giving most of this back to you guys. To enter, it's simple, just comment your in-game name and i will use this site http://pickatrandom.com/ to pick.

    You will be entered for all 10 giveaways if you comment once, but the only way i could see gaining something from this is if you want an extra entry, +1 rep me or something and i'll put your name in twice. 2 is the max. Good luck to you all! 

    The giveaway will go as follows:

    Number 1, 1 million in-game cash

    Number 2, CC Swep perm that i own of your choosing.

    Number 3, Zoom Swep

    Number 4, 5 Million in-game cash

    Number 5, The CR-Z CC Swep

    Number 6, Pick any model of mine.

    Number 7, Molotov CC Swep perm

    Number 8, 10 million in-game cash

    Number 9, Repeat of #2 

    Number 10, An amount of money of up to 20 million or a CC Perm weapon or model of your choosing that i own

    *If you own something you got, i will compensate you for what it's worth in in-game cash*


    Good luck to you all! I hope this stays positive.

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