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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by SharpShot

  1. I nathen Ive meet you alot of nice and im proud to say its been an honor playing with you!
  2. Contatz Sugar this will definitely benefit the server in a positive way Im glad Ive been around long enough to see this server evolve!!
  3. THATS A WEIRD WAY TO SPELL WORST im gonna kill myself now :(
  5. Shut up i'm Dylan No I am the only Dylan BECAUSE I AM A GOD!!!!
  6. yeah I kinda dislike the new staff team as well. I miss the old staff so much I feel so out of place in this new era of the server.
  7. I think this is a great idea seeing as it will bring more action and a bit more in the rp sense. I personally like this idea and +1 this suggestion.
  8. hecko everyone I am the ONE THE ONLY JOHN CENA jk. Hey guys its me SharpShot and here's a little bit about me, on my off time i'm always on my laptop but on my "on" times I'm always helping my grandma or hanging out with friends. I am a chill person when there is no hate but I can be very serious when need be. I do not let my emotions get the better of me which is why I've been alive for so long a whole 16 years. I've been a mod since october of 2015 and when i first became mod I had a dream that i would one day become an admin and that dream has not been fulfilled yet but it has not died. I still plan on becoming and admin for the sake of the server and for the sake of myself. When I came back from my leave of absence I was told that I was under suspicion because people thought I was going to mass ban but that is not the case I've put too much time and effort into this server to fuck it up and that's a douche move. That's just a little bit about me there a shit ton more but to much to type.
  9. I think I'm going to cry ;'(
  10. Hey guys do you remember when this is all you had to fill out to be mod? What is your name in game: SharpShot What is your steam name: thegamerbro1 Age: 15 What is your timezone: EDT Why should we hire you: I noticed that at night not a lot of admins are on and people run though the streets RDMing I also want to help the community and the sever since it is the only sever I play. Do you have any other server experience: Sadly no but I have had important roles in other games and still have them to this day. Are you familiar with ULX: No but if I have to I will with Joy. How long have you been playing on this server: Longer then 24 hours. Do you have a microphone: Yes Are you sure you can hold this position: I can guarantee you that if I can land this role I can keep the sever safe and the job secure. Sincerely Dylan (real name) This were good times! I miss everyone whos left and this server will forever be my only one and #1!
  11. You should change the map like every month because once you get to know all the map it doesn't interest me because I know some ele is already basing there since it is a bit small!
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