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Homosapein last won the day on October 5 2017

Homosapein had the most liked content!

Homosapein's Achievements



  1. Might as well enter CX Homosapein also I plus rep you big boi
  2. What is your in-game name? - Misreal Why would you like to join CX? - I am bored so I decided to do this and it seems fun having some people to talk to every now and than How often to do you see other CX members? - quite a bit everyday I at least see an infinite number of you (you would get this if you know what infinite means) How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - Too much I don't know the exact number but I would say a lot more than 12 hours Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yeah I do that anyways What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I can shoot well I sometimes out shoot people with way stronger weapons that what I have and sometimes they get a little mad :)
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