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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Wreckdom360

  1. hecko my name is Wreckdom360 and I am a GMOD PLAYER





    My name is Wreckdom360 and I have been playing GMOD for years now. I love Gmod to death and I especially love DARKRP. I love darkrp because its sorta like real life but you can do alot of stuff on darkrp that you cant do in real life like murder people without going to jail. You can own a restaurant on here without having experience or you have to start from the bottom. You can be pd and have no experience to that. I found this server about 2 weeks ago and my 1st job ever on here was a pet. I started a revolution for PETS RIGHTS BECAUSE PETS ARE PEOPLE TOO. Some people on here know me for playing chess good or because of the revolution.




    I also do Youtube Video's and I used to do them for another server's Classes because I wanted to fully explain each class. I hope I can do that on here too and just do some video's on each class and post them on the website as tutorial video's on each of them. I also do youtube video's on horror games, action games, you name it and I will most likely play it. The most awesome game I have played so far I have not recorded on youtube is HuniePop and that game is amazing. If you ever want to check out my youtube channel then go to https://www.youtube.com/user/bandman122 and please subscribe if you like it.





    Thank you so much for reading this and taking the time to look so I will see you guys later.

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