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  1. breezy


    http://titsrp.com/donate/ Talk to sugar(The owner) before donating, just in case.
  2. We REALLY need a better lottery system, and a really fast way to unbox, because I have 200+ keys and crates, and to unbox them would just take WAAAAY to long...
  3. Need a certain amount of forum activity before applying for mod/staff positions, or post. Or something, I feel like the community would be helped a bit if we were all a lot more active on the forums. Also little hardcore: Apply this even for trial mod, or at least recommend it.
  4. Happy birthday homie, wish you a great one. :D
  5. you're slacking, you have to stay fresh :s
  6. I bet you wear vans and sketchers dirty vans with raggity pants
  7. You got insta killed by a spoon
  8. I heard wire mod caused a shit load of crashes before, and sugar got a lot of complaints, but when sugar removed it, he got even more, so, it just seems like a troublesome addon, but pills on the other hand I have zero knowledge of... so I can't actually write my opinion on it :P
  9. Yea, that's exactly what i'm saying, it just makes the server a little more peaceful when the mayor is actually elected, so they don't fear being killed instantly (which a lot are), it would make mayor a well, more played job. Example, you could build your defense in the PD, maybe set up cross walks, and put down laws, without somebody adverting Revolution, or PD raid, or getting instantly killed by a hit men once elected. Edit: With the lottery system I was thinking this also : Lottery could be put between 1-500,000 (For the high ballers, and low ballers) and the mayor suppose gets a 5% tax of the lottery pot.
  10. I'm suggesting a better lottery system for the mayor, and the people. And also if possible a mayor grace period of 1-5 minutes.
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