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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. 1,2 and 4 are good. Carelos, I am still head t-mod so you can't have that yet.
  2. /me Is already in Herb's base and I kidnap him and steal his kidnap as well.
  3. Did yall say kidnapping? I love me some good kidnapping. +1 for buff
  4. It is most definitely a YOU problem. Fix it yourself by restarting GMOD and looking for the server in the DarkRP section. Not your favorites OR history.
  5. I will be filing a report on Carelos for the reason of "abuse".Thanks for the evidence, Corporal Cactus.
  6. welcome. the staff are gay but care a lil bit
  7. Bye. I might eat you later though so watch out.
  8. I remember banning someone for kissing me.
  9. dj swave leaving? why did u actually make a resignation post when I beat u in a 1v1 lmao also if he gets respected, i get respected too.
  10. Panduh

    Minge level up

    why is my voice still deeper than urs. maybe next year u will hit puberty.
  11. where the fuck is my "above mod" rank
  12. Panduh

    im bakc

    Why did you apply right away though?
  13. The man has been giving presents to everybody else except him his whole life. Let him have some presents for himself damn. But Jacket isnt lying. If you changed jobs the presents would disappear so that might be a bug or not.
  14. Booper resigned from being a member in TitsRP in general a long time ago.
  15. "The true length of a year on Earth is 365.2422 days, or about 365.25 days. " Last time you logged in was below the number 365.2422 Which makes you a liar and just trying to be funny. -1
  16. Im not a mod and i can still harass people. fuck u herb. -1 +1
  17. Its not fun anymore for me because it wasn't how it was like it was a year ago with people. I always played because there was people like mark, north bear, grape.just dum people who did dum things and its just fun to be with em. I dont really see much of that anymore and I just dont see TitsRP fun to be on anymore.
  18. Got muted for saying abcd too. mods being dumb as usual smart as usual.
  19. I just dont want anything to really affect me when im kidnapping. All I did is kidnap one person and ask them questions to see if they die or get released. Or I either had my deli dupe and kill everyone immediately to make meat.
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