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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by �Valiancy�

  1. Bando's RARE app! Ingame name: x Bando Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/21257/ Previous gangs: Bears Hours played: 168 aka 7 days Hours played past week: 22 hours Gametracker score: 405 Age: 15 What can you provide regarding raids: Tbh not sure i can actually shoot straight and hit people unlike most people on the server. I have my six soon to be seven slot cc that has good weapons. I have a good amount of money most of the time so I can buy c4. What can you provide regarding basing: I make a new dupe every week or two and I can help other members by basing with them. Do you use a mic: No I do not since I dont have one. :( What is your favorite food: Pussy
  2. Hey, today I was thinking about getting my own custom cc model. I was wondering if anyone or anybody would want to help me pay for one. I was thinking of getting a Goku player model from Dragon Ball. If you didn't know its 60m in-game cash for one so if anyone would like to help pay for it they will get the perms for it. If you are interested or have any questions contact me via discord (Bando#5543) or this thread. -Bando <3
  3. In game name: Zeno Bando I did plus rep on titsrp form and steam profile.
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