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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by abc123411

  1. i'll send you some screenshots

    Original meth look after taking it out of a tray:      https://steamcommunity.com/id/abc123411/screenshot/802134598746628981

    How meth looks now:    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929530394



    How my model is meant to look and how it's looked in the past:  https://imgur.com/a/32f9Hdf

    How my model looks now:    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929532105

  2. BUG:

    Description: I apparently don't have access to the crysis 3 anymore or it was removed. I asked if I could get the weapon slot back and staff said it should still have a slot where it says the name of the weapon in the CC editor but its not there and I have one less weapon slot. If the crysis 3 is still on the server could It be added back to my CC or can I have my weapon slot back?


    How to reproduce: X


    Priority: low

  3. I remember your cc, it has always been an error to me

    I also remember you telling me that sugars gon fix it but I don't think he ever did


    Yeah he did but when the cc editor had models in it, it broke again

  4. Bug



    Description: Sugar added my model a long time ago, before gangs were a thing and before the cc editor had custom models in it so he just added my model via files. I have 2 CCs and they both had the same model. now they're both errors for both me and everyone else. I can see everything else on the server and I even have the model as a file besides the steam workshop because that's how he added it before. the model comes up error.mdl and the origional model was the Soma divesuit model


    How to reproduce: As my job it's and error and I have to use !ms to fix it


    Priority: Medium - low

  5. Bug



    Description: When an item was removed from the server it removed a slot from my CC


    How to reproduce: It was the hunter swep and it was removed? or something but I dont have it or a cc slot where it was anymore.


    Priority: Medium

  6. Hovering over it doesn't work for me


    Edit: didnt know you needed to hover over the "misc spec" part for the info... thought it meant general jobs so thats they I got it... ig its fine, just thought it was different

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