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  1. Placeholder for a better looking application DM to apply -Must have discord-
  2. abc123411

    Gang CC Unlock

    Unlock Gang CC Please IGN: abc123411 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75998133 | https://steamcommunity.com/id/abc123411 Gang Name: ABC THANKS!!!
  3. abc123411

    CC Skin Broken

    Hey, my CC model is broken. says "Your model was reset to default because simon_divingsuit no longer exists." any way I could get it added back? If you need the link to the model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1898825017
  4. But it used to have a texture to it. now it doesn't, and my model had a grey face instead of being able to see inside and that wasn't always the case. these two things happened at the same time Thanks rubik dad
  5. i'll send you some screenshots Original meth look after taking it out of a tray: https://steamcommunity.com/id/abc123411/screenshot/802134598746628981 How meth looks now: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929530394 How my model is meant to look and how it's looked in the past: https://imgur.com/a/32f9Hdf How my model looks now: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929532105
  6. Bug Description: Meth after taking it out of the trays is grey not blue, and my CC now has a grey thing in front of the eyes where you cant see in the mask. these happened at the same time so I assume they're related. How to reproduce: Take meth out of the trays, and look at my CC model Priority: Medium
  7. Never mind? it just fixed itself? or someone fixed it.. anyway its back
  8. BUG: Description: I apparently don't have access to the crysis 3 anymore or it was removed. I asked if I could get the weapon slot back and staff said it should still have a slot where it says the name of the weapon in the CC editor but its not there and I have one less weapon slot. If the crysis 3 is still on the server could It be added back to my CC or can I have my weapon slot back? How to reproduce: X Priority: low
  9. Sent the model in pm. I don't have it on the list of models to choose from
  10. Yeah he did but when the cc editor had models in it, it broke again
  11. Bug Description: Sugar added my model a long time ago, before gangs were a thing and before the cc editor had custom models in it so he just added my model via files. I have 2 CCs and they both had the same model. now they're both errors for both me and everyone else. I can see everything else on the server and I even have the model as a file besides the steam workshop because that's how he added it before. the model comes up error.mdl and the origional model was the Soma divesuit model How to reproduce: As my job it's and error and I have to use !ms to fix it Priority: Medium - low
  12. Bug Description: When an item was removed from the server it removed a slot from my CC How to reproduce: It was the hunter swep and it was removed? or something but I dont have it or a cc slot where it was anymore. Priority: Medium
  13. Should add the abilty for owners/officers of a gang to see who put in gang xp. like the total that someone put in. Helps see who is actually active and helping
  14. Description: When I opened the menu it had everything green like I had everything How to reproduce: https://imgur.com/a/KsBVD Priority: Medium
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