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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by ItzzPineCone

  1. Yea it would be pretty cool to add more depth to fishing, also you should catch more fish in fishing *cough *cough (instead of poop or like a door alarm).


    Dude poop can give you legendary guns lol. Poop is my favorite thing to catch.

  2. Lmao it's not a ddos. Sometimes when a server gets overloaded (our server isn't the only one being hosted by GMC) problems with the SQL Database occur which is where people data is saved. It's not a big deal it usually comes back when the servers become more stable and it can roll back. And even if it doesn't, sugar can just roll it back.

  3. What is the purpose of this though? Like what good would it do for anybody I personally think that it would be kind of annoying having people you can't even interact with around.

  4. I actually just tested this and he's right, the materials and colors are not pasting for some reason. They were yesterday I know that for a fact.

  5. Ingame name:

    Previous gangs: - Tunnel Snakes

    Hours played: - 6 after reset, I was forced to take a large break but I had like 400 before reset

    Hours played past week: - 6

    Gametracker score: - 12

    Age: - 18

    What can you provide regarding raids: I'm able to provide quality raiding skills as well as covering fire when raiding and picking locks/cracking keypads

    What can you provide regarding basing: - I have a few base dupes I'm able to share as well as being able to stay at the base to defend at all times 

    Do you use a mic: - I sure do

    What is your favorite food: - Pizza


    I really would like to join because I'm looking for a sense of community that I had before I was forced to take a break due to my mom being diagnosed with cancer. I feel like itd be alot of fun and I could learn alot from everyone in the gang :).

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  6. Gmod hours: 23 Hours :)

    What you can contribute to our gang: I'm a funny mother fucker, I love ass, and I get shit done

    Are you liked? Be honest.: I like to think i'm pretty well liked

    Do you raid?: Not yet, but if I was taught i'd raid alot.

    Do you base?: Ohhhh yeahhhhhhh

    You cool? Gotta be cool: I'm pretty fucking cool. Not to pat myself on the back. But yea. I'm a fucking boss

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