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Frost (2)


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Frost (2)

  1. Its honestly been bugging me that this isnt a feature on the server. I mainly play CP so during drug busts I either have to wait before the drugs are finished to destroy them or just leave because 20 minute wait isnt worth it and I feel like im holding back the player from entering his home. It would honestly be a great addition to the server and cause less inconveniences

  2. Exploit



    Description: I can go through any prop including the barriers blocking the admin room



    How to reproduce: Spawn a chemical barrel on it's side and let it roll towards any prop. Before it hits the prop, quickly sit on the barrel and you would go through any barriers a player places down. I tested it on everything (including the king's kingdom to see if i can get into the admin's room (sorry in advance))



    Priority: Medium (mainly because nobody seems to know about it just yet)

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