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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by EricPrince811

  1. I cannot personally spectate and follow staff around to nit pick each and every one that I see doing what is stated above. So placing this in the report would be invalid and would more than likely be ignored. This is just a statement and poll that proper action needs to be taken and to show what people have been affected by this.
  2. I have noticed all too well how the staff would enjoy roleplaying and show no interest torwards other players complaints unless it affects them. Half of the staff are in clans with players on the server so they can try and get away with breaking rules and denying any claims on it. From what I have seen a manager needs to get on and take charge in being sure the staff team is efficiently doing their roles in making sure they keep the server safe.
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