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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. I like what you have done with this, It seems accurate so thx bud
  2. Tunnel Snake Salty Good luck to everyone time to +rep this mofo welp hope someone good wins peace peeps
  3. --APPLICATION START-- Gmod hours: 1386 What you can contribute to our gang: Money, Support anything needed Are you liked? Be honest.: Yes, a lot of people like me in the Tits Community Do you raid?: Yes. Do you base?: Yes. You cool? Gotta be cool: bruh I be cool af --addition information-- I have dupes for the members and such I have money I can donate or processors / printers for farming I am a fellow t-mod with the love of the community a lot of players love me such as kirito, flyburn etc.
  4. Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life Description: There is a backdoor installed on the server files named Hook.lua the new hack bypasses cac/vac resources the hack name is citizenhack the website is citizenhack.me How to reproduce: Random hackers/exploiters keep coming on to destroy the server by taking our weapons or destroying all props and doors. Priority: High
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